In Year 6, we have been learning about the topic Earth and Space in Science and Technology. Over the past two weeks, the whole grade has participated in creating a rover for a mission to Mars in 2025. We all designed a rover to withstand the climate of Mars and to have multiple features to ensure its survival on a foreign planet. In my opinion, I believe that it was the most interesting Science and Technology lesson we have ever had.

My group and I designed a rover that is named Red Rock Rover. It has multiple features to ensure its survival if it went to the Red Planet. These include:

  • solar panels to power the rover
  • a drill and claw to sample rocks
  • a panorama camera to photograph pictures from the front
  • a rear camera to photograph pictures from the back
  • a ground camera to photograph pictures of rocks and different materials on the ground.

We first engaged in the engineering process by identifying the problem, brainstorming ways to solve the problem, and then brainstorming and researching to create our designs. This week we even used online 3D modelling tools to create a 3 dimensional prototype

Joanne L  6W